the singing christmas tree was fabulous, as usual, and the concerts at school were also great. we've had events nearly every night during the weekends, but still managed to get some christmas shopping done as well. i cannot stand greenville traffic during the holidays, so i'm trying to take care of it on weekday afternoons, online, or have just put it off until i get out of school and can go during the day. it'll all get done in time...
i reprised my role as joann's surrogate daughter for the ecu economics department holiday party. i am a master at taking coats, putting out food and clearing out trash, and it is always appreciated. i also got to take pictures for my friend emily and her daughters for their christmas card.

justin and i went to a christmas party on saturday night for the "young adults without children" church small group that i've been going to for the past few months. though we weren't sure how many people we'd end up knowing, we had a great time and participated in another fun game of "yankee swap" or whatever you want to call it. this is a great group of young professionals who are newly married or just a few years out of college, and we're really making an effort to get to know everyone better. hopefully there will be many more parties and gatherings to come!
and yesterday, i spent about 7 hours total at church. that's when i'm really glad we live only two minutes away. the choir arrived at 8 am to perform at the 8:30 service, and then again at the 10:45 service. after leaving at 12ish, we were back again at 4:30 to get ready for the evening christmas program, which started at 6 and didn't end until after 7. i was exhausted by the end of it, but it was an awesome experience. marilyn and i sang a song together, and it was the first time hearing myself over that large of a sound system with monitors projecting back and everything. i also had the opportunity to talk to the youth ministry leader yesterday about volunteering and getting involved with that program as well. they have some great events coming up that sound like something i could definitely help out with. every week i get more excited about this church and the programs going on--it is such a energy boost, and i can't wait to see what i'm led to do.
and coming up--oakwood faculty christmas party tomorrow afternoon AND...
UNC mens basketball game vs. nicholls state on wednesday night! woo hoo! go heels :) and definitely keep your eyes out for those pictures--sure to be great!
that's all for now. happy holidays! and fts band folk, don't forget to rsvp for the alumni reunion!