i've been trying to post more regularly, but it's (obviously) been quite hectic and i occasionally forget how long it's been since the last post. since i'm edging on two weeks, i thought i would write very quickly before we head into the holiday and wedding-filled weekend.
at school, we have successfully accomplished standardized tests, four talent show performances, spring concerts and planning for the last full week of school. we have field day (tomorrow), exams and end of year assemblies to go. it's hard to believe how quickly it's coming up, and i'm just trying to tie up all the loose ends.
one of those loose ends was my auction photo package that a family won this year. i talked with the mom about what she had in mind, and she left it totally up to me--just something casual and fun. she has a four year old and a nine year old, so we needed something that would keep the four year old entertained as well. we headed on out to briley's farm for some strawberry picking and had a fabulous time. the mom was thrilled with the results and has promised to spread the word with many of her friends. i hope the "word of mouth" business will keep me busy through out the summer. i have also lined up an engagement shoot for next week and have the prospect of another wedding shoot in july. exciting and great for building up the portfolio.
www.laurenthornphotography.com if you want to check them out under children's portraits.
also had the oakwood athletic banquet, which i was able to use for a scene around slideshow (great publicity for the school) and a couple of other quick jobs for a benefit wine tasting and a softball tournament. it's amazing how many cool things you find out about once you start regularly attending these community events.
and this weekend is ashley and mark's wedding in durham at duke chapel, and we'll also get to visit with fellow bridesmaid linda and her husband brandon. we plan on heading back home by way of youngsville, where my uncle and aunt welcomed new cousin william to the world last week. i'm definitely looking forward to that (and will of course get some pictures!)
that's it for now. time for bed :)
6 hours ago