but things are finally starting to calm down around here. or at least, until the next wedding related event comes around :)
so we had an awesome time at ashley and mark's wedding over memorial day weekend. justin actually got his post up before mine, and we're still getting pictures from friends online to document to day. nothing beats a wedding in duke chapel, and it was such a beautiful day with some amazing friends. i can't wait to see the photos that the wedding photographer took, and we also wish mark and ashley happy "house closing" as they bought their first home together this weekend. we can relate--we are celebrating one year (today!) in our home and know how stressful, yet wonderful, it can be all at the same time.
so from the wedding, justin and me infront of duke chapel

and the ec scholars reunite! mateo, linda, the beautiful bride ashley and myself at the reception. so great to see matthew as always :)

on the way home we stopped at billy and maryanne's house to meet my new cousin william for the first time. he was adorable, quite happy to be held by a couple of new people, and at only a week old, was already starting to show some personality.

this was the first time in a while that justin had held a baby, so we reviewed proper "newborn-holding" directions :)

the long weekend led into the last week of school with the kids, which was spent proctoring exams, packing up my office and lining up interviews. we went to fayetteville for the weekend to visit family and to celebrate with alan and rachel as they had another wedding shower. this one focused on the boys--tools, to be precise--and alan now has enough hardware and power tools that he can stop borrowing ours and begin loaning out his own to all the fraternity brothers and probably his brother-in-law :) it was great to see everyone, and it's hard to believe that in a little less than two weeks, they will be married!
i had my last few work-related events this past week and also had three interviews for some promising job opportunities. there is one in particular that i am
very excited about and i hope to have a second interview for this week to talk with the people who own the agency. i am also quite content not to work for a while, especially with alan and rachel's wedding, my yearly appointments that i schedule in the summer for this very reason, and spending time with all of my public school teacher friends who just got out of work. interviews are good, though. very good :)
and yesterday, i had the joy of photographing a wedding for the first time in a while. i was afraid i would be a little rusty, but all of the weddings we have attended/been a part of have given me some new ideas, plus this was a wonderful couple and family to work with. i had never met the bride before (they attend the early service at our church) but jarahnee was beautiful, radiant and one of the genuinely nicest people i've ever met. she and shane will be very happy together with her two boys, and in the meantime, i've got over 700 photos to go through and edit. here's just a taste of what i was able to capture yesterday...
(love this idea with the respective rings around "man" and "wife", but now wish i had chosen a verse that didn't include "naked"--might edit this one to blur out everything except man and wife, but we'll see)

love this one, though i might edit it closer to the couple in photoshop when i get the chance.

alright, that's it for now. grace and i are both looking forward to relaxing over the next couple of weeks :) (i don't know why she likes my shoes, she just does.) later, y'all!