so it looks like i'll be lucky to do a weekly post--and usually the past week. for those of you who are friends with me on facebook, it's a whole lot faster for me to put up pictures on facebook and narrate with captions on there, but i'll continue doing blog posts for everyone else when i get a chance.
life with a newborn is so completely different--i knew it would be, but i guess until you live it, you just don't really know. i think the biggest challenge has been the sleep deprivation, just because i'm one of those people that loves my 8 hours of sleep. i've never been one to nap, not even in college or during my summer in spain when the whole country shuts down for a siesta. there is something that i enjoy about our early morning feedings, though, and our lazy mornings in bed when he's waking up and making lots of fun faces and expressions. that big grin that i posted before is usually only seen when he's waking up or falling asleep--and it makes being up at 3 am worth it :)
i know i haven't posted a lot about our birth story--if you're interested, i will take time to write it out. just let me know!
okay, so here's the past week (roughly saturday to saturday)
he is enjoying time on his playmat much more. we do about 15 or 20 minutes on his back, then flip him to his stomach for tummy time. he can lift his head and turn it back and forth about 2 or 3 times before he gets fussy.

we had him all dressed up for the ecu game weekend before last against navy. ended up being a horrible game, but wasn't he cute?

hanging with daddy on the couch saturday morning. it was our first day at home with "just us," and we were enjoying the quiet while also testing our parenting skills :)

we've done another couple of baths--he's done so much better since he's healed up and we can get him fully in the water. he actually relaxes and seems to enjoy it--we have a couple of videos of his first bath and then one of his more recent ones where he's more pleasant. quite a difference. i'll see if justin can get those up sometime soon and i'll post the links.

we had another visit to the peds office last week for his weight check, and he's back up to birth weight! so we're cleared until his 1 month appointment in a couple of weeks after thanksgiving. that day, i also stopped by my work office and finished up the last bit of paperwork while davis got passed around with all of the girls there. he's definitely a popular visitor when we stop by!
on wednesday, we met lindsay and collen out for a special "mommy and me" painting time at the local pottery place. they offer a discount during those hours, and we both enjoyed creating some handprint/footprint gifts.

davis slept through the whole thing--a common theme with our outings. very few people have seen him awake while we're out doing things. he sleeps really well in his carseat and when we go on drives. i also try to time these outings right after he eats and during his prime naptimes just to make it easy on all of us. he was willing to "lend a hand" this day, though, and we'll be going back this week to finish up some more Christmas gifts.

all of us together--it's been so nice to have another new mom to go out with (and to promise me that he'll start sleeping regularly and eating on schedule, etc., etc....)

on thursday, my mom, grandma, aunts and cousins came down for the veterans day holiday and had lunch with us. davis was all decked out in his UNC gear for them :)

my aunt nancy with him--he has everyone wrapped around that little pinky of his...

and another lunch he slept through...

friday, we took it easy by staying at home and going for a walk with pepper. i'll have to get a picture of us at some point--she goes ahead of us on her leash and looks like a little sled dog pulling the stroller. friday night, we managed to go out to dinner and make a target run before davis got too fussy and woke up. i know i will enjoy the times when he's more alert and awake, but i also love that we can get in a 2 hour outing without him even knowing we've left the house.
(one of our favorite onesies--worn in honor of megan and joel, who got this for him and had their own son, isaac, early saturday morning!)

on saturday, justin had the pleasure of giving him his first bottle. an overall success, though i'm going to check out some different bottles tomorrow to see if we can find a better flow for him. davis took to bottle feeding really well, and this will be great and allow me to leave the house without having to make sure i'm back in time for his feeding. AND justin can help with some of those night feedings on the weekend.... ;)

davis and justin sharing some quality time after the bottle feeding.

and then dad and joy stopped by on saturday afternoon to visit (another UNC outfit that davis got to wear.) davis was particularly captivated by dad's beard.

going through all of these pictures just reminds me how blessed we are to have so many family members and friends close by, to visit and to help us with davis. it's hard to believe he'll be 3 weeks old this week, and how much he's changed just in his short little life. we can't wait to see what else is on the way...

(is he not the cutest thing ever? i mean, i know i'm biased, but c'mon. adorable...)