the past couple of weeks have flown by as i've gotten back into the swing of things at work with dance, superbowl and wedding planning. lots lots lots and lots of planning. it can be overwhelming at times, but i know in the end, it'll be worth it.
we were able to enjoy a wonderful 50th anniversary lunch with grandma and grandaddy down in beaufort last weekend, with gorgeous blue skies and 70 degree weather. quite a change from this weekend, with temps not getting much out of the 40's and rainy, dreary weather.
thursday night, we were able to go have some engagement pictures taken. though i went in only planning to get the traditional "shoulders up" portrait for the newspaper announcements (we're putting out 6 in total) we ended up getting some of the other poses they took. my favorite is below, and we'll be sure to have links when the other announcements get posted.

friday afternoon was casino day at school, and i had a great time taking some more "artsy" photos as well as pictures of the kids enjoying the games. it took a lot of work to set up--it's a huge fundraiser for our athletic department, and they're trying to add new stuff every year--but the kids loved it and it was well worth the time and effort we put into it this week while the students were taking exams.
and finally, today we got the enjoy the smooth sounds of the equinox tuba quartet. alan asked me to come a little early to take pictures of the guys, and i was also able to record a couple of the pieces they performed. they have a great sound and definitely performed a variety of music.
and a couple of their songs "with this love" and "power"
three months and counting to the wedding... later, y'all :)
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