so it's been a crazy couple of weeks, with lots of stuff going on at school. changes in staff, auction, my health classes, practicing for oakwoodettes--all taking up tons of time. again, we should be finally slowing back into a normal schedule around there. the auction was fabulous, with a wonderful performance from all of my fellow oakwoodettes and a great time with my friends.
wedding stuff is moving along as well... marriage counseling, bridal portraits, favors, napkin designs and all the rest of those little details no one really tells you about at first. it's hard to believe that it's only a month from wednesday. whoa...
and i leave you with pictures from st. luke UMC in sanford, where we're meeting carl for our marriage counseling. i loved the stained glass in the sanctuary and decided to take some pictures while i was hanging around. more on flickr, of course.
later, y'all...
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