so i'm in fayetteville, getting all of those last minute details finished and taken care of. the end is in sight, and i'm ready for it to be here :)
in the past 24 hours, we've gotten my car to the shop, my dress to be steamed, the programs printed, the bridal portrait chosen, frame for the portrait purchased, the check-in for the caterer (and tomorrow, the florist and the rental people), thank you notes written, and... well, if i think of anything else, it'll get done tomorrow.
things that i am looking foward to:
-packing for the honeymoon, and let's face it, the honeymoon itself. the fact that in just a little over a week, i will be on a balcony of a cruiseship, heading towards the virgin islands--that's just awesome.
-seeing all of my friends and family that are coming in town.
-getting dressed up. as much as you may not pin me as "the girly girl," i have to say--putting on a big white dress and a veil makes everyone feel like a girly girl. it's fun, and if only for the afternoon, you feel like a princess.
-being one step closer to having our house. soooo excited about that.
-and, of course, being mrs. thorn. it's gonna be a great 10 days... :)
later, y'all.
9 hours ago
I hope everything goes beautifully!