so as we're nearing the two week countdown to the wedding, things are amazingly busy--and not busy--at the same time. it's like running a race in slow motion. the days are full, but not necessarily of the immediate things. there are things that still need to be done, but they're always "well, next week," or "on spring break." so it'll be crazy when that time finally gets here and those things need to get done.
it's been standardized testing for the younger kids at school, and i've been helping out with a small group that gets extra time and read-aloud for the test questions. wow... talk about exhausting. there's also been planning for the talent show next month, the semi-formal, and all my typical appointments with kids.
outside of work, it's worship focus committee for church, doing all the last minute details like programs, dress steaming, florist/caterer/photographer check-ins, etc.
and, of course...
my bridesmaids weekend in virginia beach.
i have no pictures for this yet, though there should be one out there of me with a light-up sash and sparkly "bachelorette" tiara with about a dozen strands of beads around my neck before we went out. when i get that one, i'll let you know ;)
let's just say it was a fabulous weekend with my dear girls, where we got to have a great time together, see linda's new apartment, eat at some fabulous restaurants and stay at the hilton garden inn at the virginia beach town center. couldn't ask for a better time!
and tomorrow, i get to enjoy a potluck lunch at work for my other fellow bride, erin, and me. justin and i will head to fayetteville on saturday by way of clinton, have easter sunday at hay street, and head back in time for his family's celebration. and then....
spring break. hallelujah.
later, y'all :)
3 hours ago
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