so i'm still getting used to hearing that over the intercom at school. almost a week back now, and i'm never quite sure what i'll be called, or what to call myself as when i'm introduced. guys never have to worry about this, but i must admit--i love it.
it's my first post back, and i imagine this will come in a couple of drafts. there's so much to share since i last wrote, and it's hard to put it all down into words, but i'll try.
we're married, we're living in my tiny one bedroom place for the next month, and we haven't even touched the majority of our presents. it's nice to be home, and it's wonderful to be back in the real world as a married couple. yet it's so hard to believe that just two weeks ago, i was heading to fayetteville to get ready for the bridesmaids luncheon and all of the last minute details before the rehearsal. it feels like ages ago--and yesterday--all at the same time.
so i'll do what i can to touch on the past two weeks. i might even add some pictures, though if you want a full run-down photograph-wise, you need to go to my flickr site. there are quite a few. just click on the "wedding weekend and honeymoon" set and put it on slideshow.
friday, april 20th--we start off by running a few errands and heading down to the kyle house for decorating, and the church to figure out where people will sit, where the wedding party will change, etc. i manage to meet linda downtown and she goes with us to pick up my bridal pictures before we all head to my bridesmaids luncheon at john and mary's house. it was a beautiful afternoon--kinda chilly, but we were able to eat outside, have our "charm pull" for the cake (i got the castle meaning "happily ever after" while grandma got the engagement ring--ha!) and spend time with all of the wonderful women in my life. afterwards, the girls and i went back to my mom's house and painted our nails before we all left to get ready for the rehearsal.
the rehearsal was at 6, and we all began gathering at the church to do a run-through. it was amazing to see all of our family there together. with the distance and family situations, it's rare that you see them all in one room at one time. but tonight, almost everyone was here and it went so smoothly. we practiced the ceremony once, gave the guys a lesson in ushering, and before we knew it, it was time to eat again!
the haymont grill and steakhouse holds many childhood memories for me--i remember going there as a kid after church for lunch and getting spaghetti, or the hamburger steak. it was the best option for us when we started looking at banquet rooms, and they accomodated us so well. i went around to all of the tables, playing hostess, and enjoyed visiting with all of our family that had come in town. we had toasts, including a touching one from scott, a funny one from linda, a suprisingly calm one from justin and as for me...well, i told myself i wouldn't get choked up, but it didn't happen. we had the best time, though, and afterwards, the bridal party headed back to the hotel where most were staying and had a quick drink before bed. though i had been afraid of not sleeping, by midnight, i was exhuasted and immediately fell asleep.
we started off the morning with a quick visit to great harvest for some scones, hot coffee and well-wishes from the bread heads there. with time to kill, we headed back over to the kyle house to help with decorating with grandma and all her friends. then it was off to lily's for the third and final styling of my hair. sprayed in place, we went back home where i did my make-up, figured out what was going with us to the church, and picked up lunch from subway decked out with my veil (that got a few looks). quick lunch in the fellowship hall, fun times getting dressed, and the photographers appeared. i was handed my flowers and waited patiently to see my groom. though he had seen me in my veil earlier, this would be the first time he saw the gown and jewelry and i was so excited to see him in his tux.
he walked in to our quiet little space tucked back behind the sanctuary, and we had our moment just to look at one another and take in everything. we hugged and shared a sweet kiss as the photographer snapped away. i got teary and was quite happy to have had my waterproof mascara. after a little bit of dabbing and a couple more pictures, we went out to join the rest of our group for the formals.
suprisingly, a half hour passed by and we were done. justin and i got whisked away as guests started arriving, and we did a few pictures in the back, as well as some fun shots with the bridesmaids. there's a lot of time to kill that half hour before the ceremony. i do remember waiting outside as my bridesmaids went down the aisle, hiding behind the door until they called me into the narthex. everyone said i booked it down the aisle, not that i was really paying attention to my speed, and suddenly, there we all were.
i don't remember specifics about the ceremony except that my feet were starting to hurt being in heels and standing on a slope up front. i shifted my weight back and forth the whole time. justin's hands were sweaty, and he had a little bit of trouble putting my ring on. we tried to speak clearly. according to everyone, we did and it was great cause sometimes you can't even hear the vows.
we kissed, turned around and smiled, and i kept justin from going down the wrong aisle. then we were whisked away again until the majority of the guests left and we could come back in to recreate a few key moments for the photographer. we piled into justin's car, drove the three blocks to the reception, and came in a very crowded house with a lovely tent out back. i found my beaded white flip flops as soon as possible. if there's one piece of advice i'll give any bride, have a back up pair of shoes. you'll be grateful. trust me.
we ate, we did the whole champagne thing, we got frosting on each other's noses, i threw a small bouquet, justin threw my garter, and we faked our exit with lots and lots of bubbles. in between all that, i saw tons of people and said "thank you" a million times and posed for pictures and caught up with old friends. it was so awesome--everyone was so happy, and it was like everyone that i loved and cared about the most was there to see me and my wonderful husband. it was the biggest and best party i could have ever been a part of.
i could've stayed there forever...
but we had a 8 am flight in the morning and reservations in raleigh. so it was into our "just married" life is good shirt, back to pick up my big 'ol suitcase, and off to prepare for our tropical vacation.
8 hours ago
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