wow, davis. in the last month, you've gone from this...

to this!

it's so hard to believe how much you've grown in the past month. not only did we have the opportunity to dress you up in halloween gear only a few days after you were born, we took full advantage of thanksgiving to get you in some turkey-themed outfits as well.

(this one says "baby's first thanksgiving")

we celebrated thanksgiving several different places this year--starting with the coworkers at mommy's office

(nothing says thanksgiving like bojangles!)
krista loved taking care of you

and eventually you tuckered out in mommy's lap

next was thanksgiving day at uncle scott and aunt melissa's, with all of your daddy's family. you were quite popular with the ladies, there :)

but aunt melissa was the one that really enjoyed holding you that day!

the next day, we traveled to fayetteville for your great grandma's 80th birthday party. i think you were passed through a dozen different arms that night--but you did great. mommy was worried that you'd be fussy, since it was the evening (and that tends to be your fussiest time of the day.) you proved her wrong and were sweet and content (and asleep for most of the time.)

sweet picture of you with your daddy

the next day was thanksgiving with your mommy's family. pepper always does a great job of overseeing the cooking in the kitchen :)

this side of the family is a little silly, but they love you to pieces.

and then you made it to church the next morning! you helped mommy and daddy light the candle on the advent wreath, and you did so well during the service. lots of people were excited to see you and your grandma and great-grandma couldn't have been more proud as they showed you off.

then it was one more drive...

for one more meal with your papa and his family.

what else have you done this month? well, you love to be on your playmat (until you don't--then you let us know--and loudly!)

mommy and daddy work with you during tummy time to get you turning your head back and forth. you do a great job with this and will turn it three or four times in a 5-10 minute period.

you sleep--a lot.

and sometimes in crazy positions.

you do let mommy sleep for about 3 hours at a time during the night, which is wonderful at this point. the 3 week growth spurt was rough for all of us, but it seems like you've gotten past that. you get swaddled at night, which seems to help, and we always have a sound machine going, too.
some basic facts--today, you weighed in at 10 lbs, 2 oz and were 21 in long. that puts you in the 50th percentile for height and weight. your head, however, was 15 and 3/4 in and was in the 95th percentile. whoa. you have, unfortunately, gotten baby acne in full force, and you seem to be losing some of that full head of hair as shown by your receding hairline. mommy says it's like you have a teenager and an old man on your cute little baby face.
you love your dogs--especially your wubba nub.

and this one, too. pepper-dog is affectionate to you and seems to tolerate you really well. she also gets kinda jealous when you're in mommy or daddy's lap and there's not enough room for her. but overall, she's taken to you.

and even though there are a lot of people in your life, you really seem to know who we are.

(which after you've been screaming for a while due to gas pains, it's reassuring to know that you recognize us--and that we can sometimes be the only ones to calm you down.)

i can't wait to see you smile at us--but until then, you've kept us smiling and loving every minute that you've been in our lives.

happy first month, davis! we love you and can't wait to see you grow...