six weeks marked my visit back to the doctors. i brought davis along so we could get a picture with dr. brown, who delivered him. he's not my regular doctor and we didn't get a photo when davis was born, so i was happy to get a photo of them together!

we are doing cloth diapers during the day and disposables at night. the cloth diapers are going pretty well, though they've leaked several times. i think i'm going to have to double up on the absorbent inserts to keep that from happening, but then that makes the diapers so bulky that some of his onesie outfits don't fit! but it's worth it not to pay tons for diapers each week. we're still working through the ones that people had given us.
he's giving me stretches of 4-5 hours of sleep for the first stretch of the night, and then 2-3 hours for the next stretch. then i'll get as much i can past that. usually he sleeps one more hour in the bassinet and then another hour or so in bed with me, sleeping on my chest or in the crook of my arm.
during the day, he's super awake in the morning right after he gets up, then he'll cat nap until lunchtime. he takes two long naps in the afternoon, just separated by a feeding. he's back up by the time justin gets home, cat naps until 9 or so, then goes down for good between 9 and 10. it's so nice having a schedule now!
this weekend, we're going to try and do some holiday stuff. maybe go to the parade where my brother's band is marching... maybe seeing santa... definitely doing our holiday photos. just trying to enjoy every moment of the christmas season and my time with davis before i go back to work.