we have still been so blessed this winter with some beautiful weather. saturday was another sunny afternoon, and we got some yard work done outside. all of these changes with the weather have the weeds growing but the grass is still dead. so justin decided he could dig up all the weeds while they were easy to distinguish from the grass. and of course, davis had to help!
we brought out some of his tools so he could dig if he wanted to (without possibly poking his eye out)
but he was more drawn to the big boy tools

lots of fun getting dirty!
i adore all of his sweet faces...
then it was time for a spin in the cozy coupe. he still hasn't actually figured out how to make this one move, but he loves climbing in and out of it.

nothing like stealing mama's pear and taking a few bites out of it (he actually got a decent snack out of this)
and probably my favorite photo from the whole afternoon. i may not have a girl that i can dress up in flowers, ruffles and bows, but i can definitely enjoy a pair of adorable jeans with dirt on the knees and a worn-in pair of converse high tops.
The weather is SO crazy here right?! Glad ya'll soaked up some rays this weekend...its supposed to be COLD this weekend.