a couple of weeks ago, we had the pleasure of attending one of the last ECU baseball games of the season. it was graduation friday, and i knew that there was the potential for traffic to be crazy around the campus area. however, we were able to get there in record time, with davis eating in the car and justin and me picking up dinner at the ball park :)

davis did really well at the game and seemed to enjoy it. he had been to a high school baseball game before, and we think that he might have enjoyed that more because he was closer to the action. we ended up walking around the park after an inning or so, and a nice little boy who ran out to get a foul ball from the parking lot ended up giving it to him :)
a family picture before we left. he made it until about 7:15 or so, which is pretty good for a 6 pm game. he was obsessed with the straw and cup and carried it all the way out of the stadium, sipping on it to get some watered-down sprite.
the next day we went to josh's superhero themed birthday party. i told justin he should wear his batman shirt to it, and lynn had asked us earlier for our two favorite colors for the superhero masks. we told her black and gold, thinking of the steelers colors--but justin ended up coordinating and making a pretty good batman! (i got him to pose like that--he wasn't sure what i meant when i said "superhero stance")
they had a fun bounce house that davis was able to enjoy outside. it was hot, but that didn't stop him from doing his typical "run and fall over" routine in there!