this past week was most likely one of the most stressful i've had thus far. i'm sure i've said it before, but this is the real deal. i had a case that was requiring about half of my time during the day, and dance decorations that were requiring the other half. not much else got done, but it was a relief to have the case resolved (although very tough to deal with) and to have friday night go so well and get so many compliments on the hard work that we all put in. as promised, i took a few pictures of my decorations. in this one, you can see the silver stars hanging from the ceiling, the tulle fabric draped from the ceiling to the windows, white lights on the window sills and around the edge of the room on the floor, and my balloon columns in the corners (in all pearlized white and silver, of course). i thought we carried out the "dream come true" theme quite well, keeping it quite elegant and celestial.

the food room also turned out well, with more stars in the windows, white lights, and table centerpieces incorporating mirrors, glass beads, and candles. notice the cake (and how much of it was not eaten). things get interesting later...

so--the cake. you have to understand, it was 11:30, i had just climbed up and down a ladder about 40 times to take down all of those silver stars, i was disassembling my photo booth (another popular feature this time) and everyone was packing up food, vacuuming and making sure that we left this building in the best condition possible. the problem with holding a dance in a brand new building is that technically, you can't leave holes, marks, chips, nicks, ANYTHING anywhere, cause it's brand new and they'd like it to stay that way, thank you very much. but we had this cake and it's a bunch of women and we're trying to be good and not take it home so we eat it and get fat--so we decide we should just get rid of it because there was another whole cake that hadn't even been touched. i missed the part of the conversation where this idea was suggested, but i was called in and told to bring my camera because "lisa's going to stick her face in the cake." she prepped for it, made sure that she didn't lose her will and...

SPLAT. how satisfying that must have been, to push her face into the sweet, refined sugar frosting. i had a small slice of the cake earlier in the evening, and it was good. like smooth, melty wedding or really really good birthday cake good. but we've both been working on eating better, so it was easier to ruin the cake than to take it home.

and when she came up, it really wasn't as bad as it looked. but she did have a mouthful of icing. yum!
we had the brilliant idea of going out to breakfast afterwards, but since we didn't leave the school until 12:30, i didn't get home from IHOP until almost 2. the rest of the weekend was spent recovering from staying out so late and spending the evening with scott and melissa, justin's step-brother and sister-in-law. today was spent at church, softball practice and running errands. i've got piles of laundry that need to be done, a load in the dishwasher waiting to be washed, and a floor that desperately needs to be vacuumed to get rid of all the cat hair. but that's okay--cause the dance is over, this week will be over before i know it, and the joy of spring break is calling. ahhhh.....i can hear it already....
okay, that's all for now. later, y'all.
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