and the living is easy...well, getting easier.
we're quite settled in. the returns have gone back (almost). the boxes are unpacked (well, most of them). and the decorations are falling into place (except for those empty picture frames). the one thing that seems to be a common theme is that the moving is never done.
the most difficult part of the whole "new house" process? the new yard. we gave up on the seeding that the builders did and decided to do our own. so three hours on sunday afternoon, another $50 in mulch and grass seed, and our new lawn was set and ready to grow. until...
a half-hour thunderstorm on monday afternoon washed it all out. i mean, torrents of water down the lawn, washing all of our hard work and seed going down the drain--quite literally. i think we're coming up with plan B for this weekend. in the meantime... hey, we don't have to cut the non-existant grass!
i'm still making it out to school a couple of times a week, particularly with all of the commotion that has gone on recently. let's just say i hope oakwood is as wonderful an environment for me and all of my friends next year as it has been for the past two years--but there are a lot of changes going on.
i have been relaxing, watching some new movies (finally got to see "dreamgirls"!), and keeping up with the always varied options of summertime TV. a couple of things i'm looking forward to--the return of "the world series of pop culture" on VH1, and TBS's "my boys". i've also enjoyed watching samantha brown's new series, "passport to latin america", and she continues to have my ideal job. anytime she wants a break, i'm ready and willing to fill in.
i've kept a steady schedule of working out three times a week with a coworker, keeping busy with my other out-of-school teacher friends (katie's about to pop! anytime now, anytime...) and had a wonderful trip to benson for a DCI show last week. pics should be up soon, along with updated photos of the house. i'm still taking care of photos from the bar mitzvah, but i should have time to get things up in a day or two.
alright, that's about it for now. later, y'all :)
1 hour ago
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