wow, it's been quite a weekend! i feel like we're still recovering from it--and we certainly have much more to do in the nursery (more on that at the end.) we scheduled two showers with our friends and family in fayetteville (where i grew up and most of my family still lives), and then our research on 4-d ultrasounds had me booking an appointment at the local ultrasound place there, too. so justin, pepper and i headed down there on friday evening after work, and on saturday, we started our day getting a peek at our little man (along with about 10 of our family members who were able to join us.)
he kept that hand up there by his mouth for most of the time, even with us doing lots of poking and shifting him around!

he wasn't really happy with us at this point--too much poking? everyone said "awww..." when that face came up on the screen!

finally one with his hands away from his face--i'm loving his cheeks and little up-turned nose!

after the ultrasound, we went back to my grandmother's house to eat lunch and visit for a while. then it was time to get ready for the shower with our extended family at my great-uncle and aunt's house about 20 minutes away.

it had started raining by then, so the shower was moved inside to their garage. they had some great decorations, like this adorable diaper cake...

and lots of blue!

after enjoying a great barbeque dinner, we played a couple of games and then had fun opening gifts. the shower had a "library" theme, and guests were encouraged to bring a copy of their favorite childhood book and inscribe it to davis rather than a card. what a cute idea!

justin and i had fun checking out all of the different books that we remembered as kids--and then some new ones!

(thanks to my sister-in-law rachel for taking these photos during the shower!)

we got a couple of our "big" items at the shower, including our pack and play and swing.

this was one of justin's favorites--a textured foam book. so cute!

it was so great to visit with everyone--and we are so thankful for everyone who came!
on sunday, we went to church in the morning and then had lunch at one of our favorites spots in town for chinese food. the ladies quickly got ready to head back out, while my brother and justin went to a sports bar to watch the first few games of the nfl season (justin was given a reprieve for this shower, since it would be women only.)
sunday afternoon's shower was hosted by several of the women from our church in fayetteville, most of whom have known me since i was a little girl and i grew up with their kids at school and in youth group.

they had some delicious snacks...

(and i'm still enjoying this adorable cupcakes--i took several of them home!)

we got some amazing gifts there, including this beautiful blanket that my grandmother knitted...

and lots of cute outfits!

a shot of everyone who was there to enjoy the shower

we finished up with another one of our big gifts--a storage organizer for davis' room :) time to get all his toys and stuff in order!

so sunday night, after we got home, we started putting everything together and getting all the supplies ready for davis' room.
here's the changing table that we painted and put down new contact paper--and yes, i know the contact paper has wrinkles. i gave up on no wrinkles and figured it would all be covered up with items anyways.

our pack and play, all set in our bedroom where davis will be sleeping for the first few weeks.

the matching swing, and another view of the bookshelf we got at the "library" shower.

and the yet-unpacked stuff from the showers (along with our seat cushions for our outside patio furniture--don't mind those)

we have a lot of work to do!
i'm actually sitting here right now watching justin put together the dresser that came in today--so we should soon have a place to put his clothes that he'll be wearing for the first few months. that will help us make some order of the crazy closet--at this point, it's just bags and piles of clothes, both new and hand-me-downs from relatives. such a blessing!
just an update on our appointments--davis' heart rate is holding steady around the 130s and no major concerns at this point. i am starting to get some swelling in my ankles during the evening, but otherwise, i'm hanging in there.
we have enjoyed watching/listening to the pirate football games the past two weekends--ARGGGH! i still hope to make it to one game this year, but not sure which one that will be. justin has obviously enjoyed the start of the nfl season and is quite into his fantasy football team. and work is going steady--still keeping me incredibly busy, but we're starting to get to the point where there's a clear plan for my maternity leave and getting everyone in place to take over once the time comes.
i will try to post again soon--maybe i'll do a post of all the edited photo shoots i've done recently. that's also slowing down, but i'm still catching up with the editing. never a quiet moment around here!