so the last couple of weekends have been nice and relaxing. we haven't had to travel much, which will make up for the next couple of weekends when we're on the road :)
we've gotten out davis' baby pool and will fill it up in the morning, letting the water get warm in the sun until the afternoon. honestly, it's more of an outdoor bath for him because the pool water is nice and comfortable and he's playing with most of the same toys that he does in the tub. the only thing that gets him really excited is the grass outside the pool, and the fact that pepper can run right up to him out there

and mommy or daddy can get in there with him, too!

we're nearing 7 months (this saturday) and i am so in love with this stage. he has so much personality that is coming through, and he's finally starting to try and communicate with us through gestures, or throwing royal fits when we take something away that he so desperately wants. he has favorite toys, this wild curiosity about everything around him, and the ability to observe details and figure out the world around him so quickly. the other day, he was being held up to a window with blinds on it, he knew that as soon as someone held the cord to the blinds, he could look up to the top of the window and watch the blinds be pulled up.

we were so happy to have family come and visit us this past weekend, coming in town for our church's baby dedication and parent commitment on sunday. friday afternoon, justin's sister heather came in town and we got together for dinner that night, complete with s'mores on the back patio.

mmm.... nothing i love better than a good s'more!

and our little man was loving being outside. he is definitely happiest there--can watch the birds and trees, all of the neighborhood animals and sounds--lots to keep him entertained.

saturday morning, we were able to relax and take it easy as davis practiced sitting up on his own with some of his big toys.

i did some minor repair work on wubba....and researched some new options for us, since wubba's pacifier is the 0-3 month soothie, and davis really needs a thicker pacifier because we have FINALLY got a tooth coming through! haven't gotten a picture of it yet, but it's his bottom left one that's just peeking out.

our best option so far has been a
paci plushie, which gives us the option of changing out a pacifier as he gets bigger. one is one the way, so we'll see how it goes. honestly, he's so cute with that little dog that i hate the idea of trying to replace him...but obviously he's gone through a lot in the last 7 months :)
and while i had the camera out taking pictures, i had to share my pedicure that i got last week (thanks to alan and rachel for their gift certificate at christmas) and i loved the color so much that i had to get it. it's called "melon of troy" and i think it will be my go-to color for this summer.

after mom and grandma arrived, they had just hit up a yard sale and had lots of new toys to share with davis. he thought this duck puppet (that quacks three different songs when you move his mouth) was just the funniest thing ever

we were able to enjoy the rest of the afternoon hanging out at the house, and then justin and i got a date night out, where we had dinner and went for a walk at a park before getting a text from mom that davis was asleep. before that, we were questioning if we'd try to be back in time for his bedtime routine. since he was asleep already, we took advantage of it and stopped in a couple of stores and got frozen yogurt before heading back home. it was so nice to be able to relax and spend some time with justin without being rushed.
the next morning, we all got up and got ready for church. we met the rest of the family there and sat together during the service. right after the welcome, they called up each of the five families participating and showed pictures of the babies on the large screen overhead. i had fun picking out which pictures we would show!

davis was very interested in the big screen behind us and looking at the lights above. i was so glad he did well and was cooperative through the short segment, where we promised to raise him in a Christian home.

after church, we all headed back over to mike and debbie's for a cook-out. i didn't get any pictures, mainly because i was feeling awful and left early to go to urgent care. i woke up that morning with a very sore throat and what i thought was an ear infection. i'm also in the process of getting tested for allergies and had been off of my regular allergy medication for several days. all of the congestion and colds that i had earlier in the month had finally caused some sort of infection, so i was just waiting until i could go see a doctor and was getting really uncomfortable. the doctor confirmed that my tonsils were looking infected and didn't bother doing a strep test, just prescribing a round of antibiotics. (more information about the allergy testing tomorrow, when they do the skin test and see what i'm allergic to. i'm bringing my camera to document if i can :) )
so we finished out the weekend with one last round in the pool.... (he loves this colinder--makes it look like it's raining)

mmm... crab legs (just a squirty crab toy, but everything goes in the mouth.)

and a few laps around the house on this car that also doubles as a walker toy, for when he starts learning to walk (heaven help us)

he was a big fan of riding on the car!

and had to test it for teething qualities, too.

we're excited for the long weekend coming up and the opportunity to see more family. we have a pool/cook-out party planned in knightdale, and then will visit with my aunts and cousins later on. yay for fun family activities :)