a couple of weeks ago, justin and i celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary. every year prior to this, we did a long weekend trip somewhere for the occasion. our first year, it was a ferry ride over to ocracoke. then our second year, it was down to charleston for a truly southern experience.
then last year, it was a long weekend to savannah where i was a couple of months pregnant but walked those 29 squares like it was nobody's business.
so this year, doing a weekend trip just wasn't an option. i'm just not ready yet to leave davis overnight yet, and with everything else that ended up happening with dad passing and us having to travel for his memorial service, i suppose it worked out.
we went to fayetteville for easter weekend as planned, and i had arranged ahead of time for my mom and grandma to watch davis so we could go out to lunch (so justin thought.) we had a nice, relaxing lunch at scrub oaks (which i highly recommend to anyone that direction) and during the meal, justin asked me if i was okay with not traveling this year. i said of course, since we weren't doing overnights away from davis yet and everything, and he figured that was the end of the conversation.
well, before we headed back to the house, i asked him if we could make one more stop. i punched the address in the GPS and had justin drive us to the unknown location, just a few minutes away from where we had eaten lunch. as he drove off the main road and toward our destination, i told him, "surprise! we're going ziplining!"

fayetteville is home to one of the top 10 ziplining courses in the US. we had seen billboards for it on i-95 for the past year or so, but hadn't really looked into it. once i knew we wouldn't be traveling but could possibly do something in fayetteville to celebrate, i did my research and figured it would be the perfect "adventure" for us.
so then we got geared up and joined the other six people on our tour for a 2 and 1/2 hour zipline experience where we stayed in the air (on platforms, ziplines, staircases or bridges) the entire time!
here i am at "ground school" as we learned all the basic skills.

they also had several of the platforms connected by these suspension bridges--a little wobbly, but really cool (and we were hooked in the whole time. there was never a point where we were unhooked during the entire time in the air.)

and just because it wouldn't be a blog post without a picture of davis, here are a couple of the latest ones we took over the weekend...
holding his head up so well!