alright, so i know that 2006 is already here and a year in review blog might seem a little past due. but humor me as i count down why 2005 has been one of my best years ever...
my friends and i, in many of our countless conversations, have talked before about our "favorite year." for a long time, it was 10th grade. or maybe it was 6th grade. it probably all depends on when the conversation occurred. but now, i know that 2005 was the year of lauren. there were so many thing that happened that have made me grow up, realize my future and turned me into such a strong person. i think it goes without saying that i can't wait to see what 2006 brings, but here's why 2005 was such an awesome year (with pictures when applicable)
in no particular order....
getting to see many sunsets--and a few sunrises--and being able to capture them on my camera. my love for digital photography really came alive.

joining the oakwood family, and bravely chaperoning my 8th graders to camp cheerio

spending my last few months living with this girl--and, of course, still getting to see her every so often. it was a big step for us to move off and live on our own after spending the past two years together. and i don't know that we ever got emotional about it--that's just not how we are. but there are times where i seriously miss having her there, whether it's going out for some ice cream, wandering around the mall, or tell her about my latest adventure at school or who i ran into while i was out. she's currently traveling around the country and has a fabulous apartment in virginia beach that she spends too little time in--but i know she's always just a phone call away! love ya, linda :)

welcoming a couple of babies into this world--including seth...

and joseph...

continuing a great friendship with my friends and trying out my first organized sport--church-league softball :)

spending time with my was one of my first full years of really being on my own, and when i get to spend time with my family, it's special. also spent a good length of time with my dad for the first time in a while as he recovered from his cancer treatments and surgery. that will always be something i remember in 2005---a scary, stressful time that made me strong and also brought me closer to my dad and that side of the family.

lots of time at the beach. i mean LOTS of time.

especially with this guy. of all my 2005 moments, this has to be the best. the first year of a relationship that has many more years to come.

did i mention the sunsets? and the water?

road trips. we traveled everywhere this year. across the state, halfway across the country, short trips to the coast, to raleigh, to fayetteville. but i think the most exciting trip had to be cedar point. a dream come true--and one of the most amazing experiences i've ever had :)

before oakwood, there was st. mary's, and i had about 150 kids that i saw every week. my internship kept me busy, taught me a lot, and it was hard to leave.

but it was also great to graduate! two degrees in four years--it's actually nice to have a break now :)

april fool's day. i think it's always been well known that i am A) gullible B) jumpy and C) amusing when you pull off one of those two. these guys pulled off an april fool's joke that no one bothered to tell me was over after everyone else found out (and i wasn't there) and so it continued on for about a week or so before i found out and they didn't KNOW that i KNEW and i decided to plan my own joke back. i made them t-shirts (just in case they ever forgot) that read "i pulled an april fool's joke, forgot to tell someone it was over, she got revenge and all she gave me was this lousy t-shirt" plans for this april fool's are in work...

milo came into my life. he's grown a lot over the past year and is no longer the tiny kitten but is now quite the crazy tomcat. yet with all of this idiosyncracies, he's made himself fit in with me and grace (and secretly, i think justin likes him more than he'll admit)

i still keep up with these amazing friends from high school. whether it be visiting maggie up at wake forest for "shag on the mag," meeting up with megan at moe's here in greenville or visiting elizabeth in NYC over spring break and having her show me around the brooklyn bridge, there are some wonderful people who stay in my life no matter how many months pass between our last visit or how many years i can say i've known them.

this was just a fun picture. from my birthday last year. ribs and karaoke. doesn't take much to please me :)

continuation of the road trips. i love that i've found someone who enjoys traveling and that we can find things to do on our trips that both of us appreciate. "big historic houses" and "amusement parks" were the themes this year. coming up, we're talking about skiing, a big interest in charleston, and by the time summer gets here--you know we'll be at the beach again! these trips are important to us because it shows that we can handle the planning, the hours of driving, the many many hours just being together and coming through it without disagreeing or getting tired of each other. even when things don't work out (i didn't remember that the corn maze was having a paintball day!), we're able to improvise and keep on going.

ahh, NYC. this was my last spring break trip in college, and i have some amazing memories from it. seeing a broadway show, doing all the touristy stuff like the statue of liberty and the empire state building, and even attending a taping of a show in the NBC studios. but of course, nothing beats the simple pleasures--like a piece of new york cheesecake and a cup of coffee.

and my MSW crew. we bonded as a group over our year together and shared many memorable experiences--through braving exams, working on group projects together, many afternoons at moe's and coldstone, and then supporting each other with everything after graduation--new jobs, new houses, engagements and marriages. i might not see y'all as much as i used to, but i always know that you're there for me and how important you were in helping me get through one heck of a year.

and that's it for now... what a year, and i'm excited to see what'll happen in 2006 :) take care, everyone, and let me know if i forgot anything!