my friends at work had a great lunch planned for me on monday, complete with homemade cake and festive candles. it was very sweet and i was reminded how happy i am to work there! the rest of the week really seemed to fly by, with a fun night of trivia with jennifer one night and a couple of relaxing evenings with justin as well. it helped me prepare for last night's festivities, the valentine's day dance.
i am proud to say that my middle schoolers did an excellent job of getting ready. we also have some awesome parents that are born party-planners and are happy to step in with decorations. we went out on a limb and hired a high schooler for the DJ--a wise move, as he was not expensive and did an awesome job. he had done several other parties for our students and was extremely popular. everyone behaved well, looked gorgeous and we only had to reprimand a couple of some close dancing. the clean-up was done by 10:30 and i was home right before 11. that's a good night in my book :)
today, justin and i headed over to minges colesium to watch his niece, destiny, perform in a cheerleading competition. i must be honest, though i've occasionally paused on the cheerleading competitions on ESPN, i've never actually attended one. the parking lot was full and we made it in just a few minutes before her performance. i did get to witness one of the "individual" performances, which is exactly what it sounds like--one girl performing a routine on her on. destiny's group did extremely well, and even though it was just an exhibition performance and they weren't competing, they have an exciting couple of weeks coming up. their group won the last competition in charlotte and are on their way to nationals in atlanta next weekend. i'll add a couple of pics here on the end.
and on the house front, we are now pre-approved for a mortage. let the house shopping begin!
that's all for now. later, y'all...
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