but this one can stay :)
so here's the next question--what should we name her?
is she a lucy?
or maybe an abby?
or ginger?
or perhaps a penny?
or daisy, maya, isabel, haley...and the list could go on for a while.
any suggestions? and anybody just dying to dog-sit? (that's the major change of having a dog vs. the cats.) we're compiling a list of possible dog-sitters for those weekend trips when she can't tag along.
in other news, i just topped off my tank with $4 a gallon gas. ike and his impending damage to the oil refineries in texas has sent the town into a tailspin, with everyone flocking to gas stations. while this seemed a bit extreme in the past, there seems to be some valid concern with gas stations reporting it will be "a while" until their next shipment comes in.
i've got two photo jobs lined up for this weekend, which is good considering hanna wrecked my plans for last weekend and we're going to the beach with my fam next weekend. so i'll take the assignments when i can actually get them squeezed in. a high school football game tonight and tomorrow, some sort of fundraiser where policemen, firemen and EMTs compete so that their coworkers will shave their heads? i'm not sure, but it was in the late morning/early afternoon and i didn't want to commit to anything in the evening. keep your eyes peeled for the pics on reflector.com over the weekend.
we also had to look to alternative sources to get tickets for the ECU/houston game in a couple of weeks. with their recent wins, tickets have already sold out for the game! so we found a pair on craig's list and snagged them just in time. though i could work the game for the paper, that would leave justin out and i would love to just watch and enjoy the game this time. i might end up taking some pictures of tailgating beforehand, though, and i definitely want to work one of the games this season. looking at the shots from last week's game, it appears that we get access to the field! so awesome and would be especially fun for homecoming.
finally, a picture that i snapped yesterday in our neighborhood. on flickr, i captioned it, "stop and remember." it's hard to believe that it's been seven years, but i can still remember exactly where i was when it seems like everything changed. though there weren't as many tributes or memorials this year, i still think it's important for us to take a moment and say a prayer for those who lost their lives and their families who still miss them.
ReplyDeletehow about sassy?