she got her sutures out today from her spay last week, so she's now officially back in full force. i went ahead and took her to the dog park again on sunday, especially since she didn't get a good walk in on saturday with all the rain and gross weather. on those days, she stands at the door and just looks at the rain, and i can picture her thinking, "yeah right, i'm not going out in that." she stayed on the small side of the dog park this time, and had a great afternoon making some new friends and playing with the other dogs. we found a "cousin" of hers, another mix of chihuahua and terrier, and they took a liking to each other, wrestling and playing and chasing each other all around. it was really cute, and she was exhausted by the end of it. i was glad to see her play with another puppy and watch how they interacted.
i voted today. yay for early voting and the election eventually being over! it's getting ugly out there...
i'm excited about finally getting to some of those family portrait sessions this weekend. i will definitely share some pics when i'm finished.
justin's grandma is still down from west virginia, and we had buckwheat cakes tonight. this is a specialty in justin's hometown, where they have an annual buckwheat festival every september. buckwheat cakes are thin, crepe-like pancakes made out of buckwheat flour, and usually served with sausage. we added some butter syrup from the local mennonite restaurant and they were delicious!
work has been crazy lately, with some difficult client situations and families in crisis. we did get an interesting referral for our program, though--working with a mother who is deaf but is really interested in learning better parenting skills. our team is excited about this potential client, but it's changing the way we look at our typical intake procedure. i'm currently in the process of finding an interpreter for our first meeting with the mom. really interesting stuff!
and if you're in my area, please come out to our church's fall festival this sunday! it's free, has great entertainment for everyone, and i'll be painting faces in the late afternoon. oh yeah :)

that's it for now. enjoy the rest of your week!
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