we had a lunch back at our house afterwards for rachel and her family. pepper entertained everyone, and it was an awesome opportunity to catch up with everyone, especially since we hadn't really seen them since the wedding in may.

one of the coolest things about friday night's graduation was the invitation for family and friends to come down to the floor to take pictures as their graduates walked across the stage. i had thought about flashing the press pass, but no need to! we were welcomed for stage-side access to the ceremony. very cool!

i also had the pleasure of officially meeting my photography twin, jenni farrow. jenni is a staff photographer at the reflector and does awesome work. we apparently look very similar, because i am always mistaken for her when i'm out on assignment. she was shooting the graduation on saturday, and i introduced myself and told her about people always thinking i was her. she said she gets the same thing! people are asking if she is the "scene around" girl.
after the lunch on saturday, i headed out to do a very quick family photo session. these three boys were absolutely perfect subjects, and they even hammed it up for some individual shots, too! i've included more on flickr, but i just loved these two pics from the session.

i'm doing a quick turn-around on these so that they can make christmas cards and some christmas presents for family. i took the majority of the pics with my 50 mm lens--love it! seriously considering upgrading my camera body to a d60, though, so i can use the auto focus part of the 50 mm. i also think it'd be worth it to have the extra 4 mp when some of these families request "large" prints. cause wouldn't you want a picture like this hanging over your mantle?

and today was finally FINALLY the church christmas program. i was there from 11 until 7:15 with only a 45 minute break at home. it definitely came together at the last minute, but it turned out quite well and i think everyone enjoyed it. i do love acting and am so glad to have an outlet for it!
now, back to our issue with pepper and the gate. she is definitely a houdini dog, because no matter what kind of contraption we set up to keep her in the kitchen, she finds a way out! this isn't always an issue, but the past few times we've been out for a couple of hours, she's gotten into too many things (like strewing the contents of the bathroom trash can across the living room, or chewing up an eye pencil from my make-up bag.) she's also been "eliminating" in the game room (which is where the litter boxes are... i'm not sure if she's putting that together, or if it's just a coincidence.) at any rate, i've about reached my limit of destroyed items and we are finding a new gate pronto! until then, we've bungee-corded an extra few inches of height to the gate to hopefully deter her climbing.
this week should be a bit calmer, with a youth group party, maybe some christmas caroling and a small group party on friday. i guess that's calmer? it feels like it, atleast :) we'll also be finishing up our shopping and finalizing our plans for the holidays. we will be in fayetteville from thursday through the weekend, so let us know if you're in town and want to get together!
that's all for now. later, y'all!
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