Wednesday, June 17, 2009

cute babies and bible school

this afternoon, i had the pleasure of finally getting to meet ms. marley, who was born last week to krissy, dennis and big sister maddie. krissy is one of my coworkers and is greatly missed for the next few weeks while she is on maternity leave. she gets to spend it with one of the cutest babies ever, though, so it's worth it! whereas maddie is "all dennis," marley is certainly "all krissy." i also loved seeing my shelves and letters up on the walls in the girls' rooms, and they looked great!

tonight was the fourth night that i've been out at VBS--still loving it and enjoying my kiddos, but man--i'm glad tomorrow is the last night. since i spend most of my time with the teens, our small group and now the worship ministry, it's a nice change of pace to work with the kids, too. many of them i remember from my group last year, but they're now a year older and able to do so much more! i've been coming up with impromptu games to keep them occupied during downtimes and it's just hilarious watching them interact with one another--and some of the things they'll say!
(below--dale and david, goofing off in the sound booth; building a wall in the story of nehemiah; and mr. joshua, with whom i just set a photography date for next week--more of this sweet guy to come!)
tonight's amusing verbiage came from one of our girls, who was helping explain what a bully is.
"it's a boy cow that's mean and usually black."

and finally, the reason that i've still been able to work in my exercise time this week. just take a look at some of the energy we burn off during our music time!

alright, that's it for now. just a couple more days and then the sweet, sweet weekend...

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