i did want to share our big night out last week. though today is justin's actual birthday, we chose to go out last thursday to celebrate. we met in kinston after work and started at the taproom for mother earth brewing company, a local microbrewery that justin has enjoyed in the past--we can usually find their brews at specialty grocery stores and several local restaurants. i, of course, enjoyed my tall glass of water :)

it was neat to learn about this company, though, and their special brews that they create, as well as their "green" features that they have at the brewery, including solar panels and other environmentally-friendly additions.
we then headed over to the chef and the farmer, where we had reservations for dinner. also a great local restaurant that has gotten rave reviews and uses lots of products from local farmers (several that we've bought meat/produce from through our farmers' markets and other buying groups.) we decided to go all out and order from each of the three courses presented. they were all delicious and so uniquely "southern gourmet." i didn't get a picture of our first course, but i had peaches wrapped in prosciutto with spicy pecans, while justin had a salad with fresh bacon, croutons and homemade ranch dressing.
our second course included a butterbean hummus with spicy pepper relish (my choice) while justin had a cheese plate.

we finished up the evening by heading over to the kinston indians game, but it started raining as we were wrapping up dinner and the field was soaking wet. we watched for two hours as the rain stopped and they started working on preparing the field for the game...and then at five minutes until 9, they decided to call it due to field conditions. we still had a great time and it was a perfect way to celebrate justin's birthday a few days early.
we spent the rest of the weekend working on the nursery. well, justin and his friend johnny did. i had a couple of photo shoots that kept me occupied and away from the adhesive fumes. they were successful in cutting and prepping all of the beadboard and chair rail for the walls, and they got about half of it up on saturday.