Saturday, August 07, 2010

moving right along

hard to believe that yesterday was 3 months until davis' due date! we are finally making some progress in the nursery, and i'm beginning to feel a bit more confident that we'll be "ready" when his time comes (or as "ready" as we can be.)

last night, justin and i finally sat down and made some decisions about his bedding set. we've ordered this set, which i love and think will be great for him over the next couple of years--not just as an infant.
i've already given justin the go-ahead to find some sports-related stuff to add in, like these cute pennants for the wall. that way, we get a theme in without it being overwhelming.
last weekend, he was hard at work, putting together the crib that we got from my uncle, aunt and cousins. we also scored a great deal with one of my co-workers, where she sold us their stroller, two car seats and bases for a great price.
we also have been having fun playing music for him at night. after a couple of nights holding our big headphones up to the belly, i ended up ordering this headphone "belt" that has them built in, complete with a little pocket for the mp3 player. we take turns choosing what he gets to listen to for an hour or so at night :)
and of course, an updated belly shot. i'm becoming self-conscious about my double-chin and may have to start setting up the tripod and dslr for more flattering pictures. but we've now gotten to the point where i'm definitely pregnant to people who don't know me, so i've gotten more comments while i've been out.
i'm in the middle of editing several shoots that i've done in the last 2 weeks, so hopefully i'll have some of those up by tomorrow. last wedding of the year is this afternoon! excited to be done with those long, six+ hour shoots--but i love all of my bridal couples and have been so blessed to be a part of their big days :)

one last photo of the sweetest husband and dog in the world. love them so much... (even when pepper wakes us up at 6 am, along with the cats, like she did this morning.)