it's fun to watch all the pieces come together...
like today, when my 31 order came in. this bag isn't new, but i've been using it as a work bag for probably about a year now. i love it and ordered it originally with the intended purpose of eventually becoming a diaper bag. in my latest order, i got another bag like this one, except in a fun, bright floral pattern with my initials. so this one has been retired and brought home to be washed and a diaper bag contender.

and this was obviously ordered specifically for our little guy. i loved this bag and thought that it would be something that both of us would feed comfortable carrying. i don't know that this will be the big diaper bag, probably more of a "quick outing" bag. but it is so so so cool to see his name embroidered on here. another step towards making it even more "real."

and the bedding came! didn't use a flash here, so it's a lot more yellow looking than in person. but i love it and think that it looks just perfect for the style nursery we're trying to do.

now it's time to figure out paint colors...

and finally, because it's not really a true blog post unless i include a picture of these two laying around. this is the couch that is still in the nursery. it's a good 10+ years old and was one of justin's first purchases when he got his own apartment many many year ago. it was in the game room up until last month, and he hasn't figured out how to get it out of the hallway yet (needs some help from another guy.) so it's still in the nursery for the time being and he's having a tough time saying goodbye. it's one of his favorite spots to nap, and i wasn't surprised when he and pepper were a little too quiet in there on sunday afternoon. i snuck around the corner to find this...

pepper awake and checking me out as justin used a boppy for his pillow. oh, the times that we have ahead of us :)
my glucose screen is tomorrow morning. please say a prayer that i pass it. i don't know that i could handle the four hour test...