so then we got to saturday, where we had plans to go to ecu's homecoming game. thanks to my brother and sister-in-law and their tickets they purchased with parking pass, we were able to park just outside of the stadium and avoid a long walk that would have exhausted me early on. that was a good thing, since our tickets were in the upper deck--and about 5 rows from the top of the upper deck. we took the elevator up there, but there were no elevators to our seats! so up we went (and justin made sure i didn't have to make too many trips--i think we managed to keep it to 3 or 4 times.)
we just ordered and got a new camera that includes the panoramic feature, so we had lots of fun playing with that from the top of the stadium--as you can tell!

i even made it through sunday, with our church's fall festival and about five hours of face-painting. i love face-painting and have the best time with it. my friend becky at church used to do the fancy face painting at busch gardens, and she has taught us many tricks with sponging, shading and all sorts of cool designs.
i only planned to work a few days this week and have succeeded with that--i'm now officially on my maternity leave. it feels weird to have everything finished up and very few responsibilities until davis gets here. honestly, there are still a couple of things that i could do (and will try to do) but i also plan to enjoy it as much as possible. so in order to get to this point, i had to spend a couple of days working hard to get all my paperwork and planning done. monday was easy for that--it was a gross afternoon with rain and storms coming through, but it led to this gorgeous rainbow just outside our neighborhood. it was actually a double rainbow, but the second one isn't showing up here...

we're hoping davis will be here any day now. i've had some serious contractions today (that i've been reassured are real ones, not braxton hicks) but made no progress. so we're still hanging in there--as is he. we'll share the big news as soon as he's here!