we've had a busy few weeks following davis's birthday! i've had a couple of photo shoots each weekend, and two weeks ago, we did a family trip to rocky mount to do our friends megan and joel's son isaac's photos. i loved the location so much that once we finished with isaac's session, we went back and took a few more photos with davis!
this bridge was amazing... definitely keeping this in mind when i have rocky mount/wilson families looking for a great location.
sweet boy...
it's also been exciting to see him being more independent. the other night, he climbed up on his four wheeler all by himself and was ready to go for a ride, even though it was parked under the kitchen table (and he'd hit his head on the way out.)
this past weekend, mom came to visit and we had a good time catching up on some errands and getting a night out. davis is very much in a clingy mood right now, so it was a bit of a struggle getting away.
we're trying to make slow progress with leaving him in the nursery at church.

we also had his 12 month appointment at the pediatrician's today, a couple of weeks late. he had to get 4 vaccines and a flu shot, as well as a finger prick.
needless to say, it was a bit traumatic for him (and me!) just as he recovered from one part of the visit, the next one was coming up. even as we were checking out (a good 5-10 minutes after getting his shots) he was still sniffling and doing the short little shuddering breaths from crying. he has a flair for the dramatic, this one.
here are his stats for this visit--21
lbs, 13 oz (30th percentile--moved up!), 29 3/4 inches (45th percentile--also
moved up), and 19 inch head circumference (90th percentile--moved down!)
the doctor was happy with everything, so we were given the all clear to start the transition off of formula/bottles and adding in whole milk and more solid foods (including ones we hadn't done before for allergy reasons.)
i'm not looking forward to the whole idea of giving up his bedtime/naptime bottles...any suggestions from moms who have done this? we are so close to having him sleep through the night consistently (he's mainly waking around 4 am and then going back to sleep for the last few hours) and so i'm hesitant to do anything that's going to mess up his sleep again...
we did forgo his regular routine on sunday night and kept him out late for our church's thanksgiving dinner. still one of my most favorite events, getting to listen to everyone say what they're thankful and enjoy some delicious cooking.
and davis had a good time this year, too! king of the world :)
alright, time for bed. hoping to catch up on more photo editing this week and get ready for our short week next week before the holidays!