after an amazing weekend in the mountains, i'm back to get everything back in order and to get ready for hosting young adults tomorrow night, while also enjoying my day off from work. it'll all get done!
asheville was so amazing. after hitting lots of traffic on the way through the state and driving the windy roads up there, we were greeted by a beautiful saturday with blue sky and very comfortable weather. the biltmore house came into view and it was just fantastic. we were in there by 11 and walked around for about two and a half hours, taking in all of the architecture and historical finishings. no pictures from inside (estate rule) but lots on the outside. i think the main thing was the extravagance of the home and the technology that was so ahead of the time. i had seen the biltmore before at christmas time, but this was a first visit for justin and i really wanted to see everything through his eyes as well, essentially through the architect's eyes. so i told him, "i want a running commentary today, just all of the stuff that you notice and are thinking about." and it was great to get his perspective and the details that he noticed. after eating lunch at the stable cafe and walking around the gardens, we left and checked another trip off our list. yay :)
so i had thought of surprising justin and had done some research before we left about some area corn mazes. i'd found one nearby and navigated us to it following our day at the biltmore. as we got nearer, though, i began thinking, "was this the maze that was having paintball at it on saturday evening?" and of course, it was, so we turned back around and went back towards asheville by way of the blue ridge parkway. some AMAZING views there and we returned to asheville safe and sound. dinner downtown at the mellow mushroom and a short walk around the area where there were lots of shops, cafes, street performers and it was just the perfect end to the day.
we made our way back this morning, stopping off in winston-salem to see maggie and to have lunch, and got back to greenville a little after five. wooo... back to reality.
i LOVE taking trips. i LOVE the mountains (especially in the fall). and yeah, i LOVE this boy, too ;)

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