but i did have an excellent vacation along the outer banks with mom and grandma.
we headed towards the beach and stopped at all the little coastal towns, visiting historic districts, estuariums and local restaurants. once in manteo and nags head, we did all the touristy stuff--festival park where the elizabeth II is docked, fort raleigh, the aquarium, the lost colony, and the elizabethan garden where i had a great time taking some pictures...
loved this gate--

and the statues...

in manteo, we relaxed one evening along the waterfront and watched boats coming in and out of the harbor...

and on the way back, we stopped in columbia and edenton for some more historic districts...

more pictures up on flickr as well--check 'em out!
fun stuff? finding a "life is good" store that had stuff from the past couple of years that has long been off the website. enjoying some relaxing beach time. and having dinner with justin's mom and stepdad when we came back into town--along with seeing justin for the first time in five days--i was starting to miss him a bit ;)
so now it's two more weeks of tutoring, a couple of weekends starting the wedding planning process, and before you know it, school will be here. i'm off to enjoy the remainder of my summer vacation :) later, y'all.
Glad you had a great summer. Good luck with a new school year!