i've been taking full advantage of our wireless internet up here, and i HAD to get online to make this post while it was still "technically" thanksgiving day.
i've always been a big fan of looking at the positives. "glass half full" kinda girl. so an opportunity to identify those "blessings" in my life is very fitting.
that being said... i am thankful for:
my wonderful husband and our animal "kids"--they fill my life with joy on a daily basis, and allow me to enjoy coming home each night.
my job--that i have a job, and that i enjoy it and that it is worthwhile and fulfilling. this year was a big test for us in the job market. i had to put my faith in my gut instincts and allowing God to guide me where i was supposed to go, not just going for the first thing that fell into my lap. there were some very rough days, but in the end, it all worked out. and in this job market and economy, i'm so grateful to be able to get up and work every day, even when i have a difficult day.
my church family--actually, families. i fully believe that God continues to connect us even if we're not currently worshiping with a congregation. i know i am blessed to have ties to several different congregations, in fayetteville and greenville, and to still keep up with so many friends that i've known through church. these groups have encouraged me, strengthened me, helped lead me in my faith, and we all share some incredibly strong bonds. i'm loving my work with the youth group, the choir and drama ministry, and i feel like i'm getting use some of my gifts in ways that glorify God.
my "family" family--a holiday like thanksgiving helps us realize how many family members we have that we keep up with, and though it can make things crazy sometimes, we know we are blessed to have so many people that love us. i think this year has also been big in showing how our extended family can pull together during tough times. we've had several major health situations with our families, and it is amazing how everyone will pitch in and help out when they're needed.
my friends--though many of us are spread out now or don't see each other as often as possible, these are wonderful people who have profoundly influenced my life. and i love that i have such a wide range of friends, from different groups or stages in my life. i always know who to turn to when i need advice or just someone to listen.
and i'm just thankful to be comfortable. i have some amazing friends who have been on mission trips recently that come back with revelations of how we have so much compared to people in these third-world countries. we have a good life--an absolutely, amazingly awesome life, actually. and i think sometimes we don't realize how much we have that we could do without, and how much we spend on things that we don't need.
so...what are you thankful for?
*side note--some pics from WV are up on flickr. check 'em out!*
5 hours ago