i've been catching up on my edits this past week and had a few to share with y'all. rather than getting these out in my typical 2-3 weeks, i'm more at a month now. but i've done my last wedding until july (when i'll do one almost every weekend until the first week of august) and then i'm essentially done with photos for a long time except for special circumstances. that'll give me plenty of time to catch up with all of the wedding edits and focus on the other stuff that will need to be done around that time, like decorating a nursery and fun things like that :)
so here's my friend lisa and her family--she actually won the photo package for jonah's auction, and i always love photographing them! so much fun, and they always have the best candid pictures.

ethan is getting used to me taking pictures now--it doesn't hurt that lisa and i try to have lunch pretty often, and i get to see her kids then, too :)

so much energy!

matthew is "this close" to walking--he was doing a good job of standing with some help that day.

love this one.

and this one--especially matthew's smile...

so sweet!

i also wanted to include a few from this shoot--i did some first communion pictures for my friend novine and her daughter, sami. we also wanted to do a big family picture while everyone was here for the big day. i have to say--i'm proud of this shot. capturing a decent picture of that many people is tough, but they did a great job and i was really happy with the posing. (yes, we used to same location as lisa's photos. it's one of my go-to places for nice pictures in the middle of the day--lots of shade and beautiful backgrounds.)

sami and her sister, sabrina (i was digging the faded look here)

and her cousin--super cute!

i've got a couple more editing sessions that i'm hoping to knock out this weekend, including an adorable 1 year old and some awesome senior photos. i can't explain how excited i am about the 3 day weekend--it's been a crazy week at work, and i really need that extra day to recuperate. we've got a day trip planned to the raleigh/durham area, but other than that, i think we're going to relax and enjoy the holiday.
what are your plans for the memorial day weekend?