our schedule stayed full this weekend, with several scheduled parties and photo shoots. i hadn't originally intended for it to be quite this busy, but it's just the way it worked out and by the time it all came together, there was little i could do to change it :) so we just prepared as best we could and ended up having a fabulous (though exhausting) weekend!
friday evening, we satisfied my craving for buffalo wings and then hit up a couple of yard sales that were taking place the next day. they were all neighbors or family members, so we had the inside scoop on some baby stuff. we picked up a high chair (we know we'll want a couple to share between houses) and got everything together for the cook-out the next day.
i had a photo shoot first thing in the morning, and then we were celebrating these fabulous ladies--

six of the girls that i work with are engaged and getting married this summer or fall! so we decided to have one big party to congratulate them. of course, it was the hottest day of the year so far, but we had a couple of large tents up for shade and tried to stay as cool as possible.
i had gotten a sprinkler for the older kids that would be there and set up a baby pool under an umbrella for the little ones. that quickly became the popular place as they tested out the water...

we were all having a good time watching them splash and sticking our own feet in to cool off!

charlie and rylie seemed most content, while marley was not quite as interested (trying to make her way out in this picture)

we'll be keeping the baby pool around for next summer :)
we gathered together all the brides for a couple of pictures...

gotta show off the rings!

and then, people started to head out and we got things picked up and immediately headed over to justin's mom's house to set up for a surprise cook-out for his sister, heather. she's taken a job in the western part of the state and will be moving up their next week. all the family in the area, heather's co-workers, and some close friends showed up to see her off :)

we also got to visit with justin's friend kenny who was in town, along with his wife stephanie and their two kids. we hadn't seen them in a couple of years, so it was great to catch up and we couldn't believe how big their kids had grown!
heather also got a couple of gifts, including a new lab coat with her updated credentials. she's just finished her masters degree, too, so she was happy to show off the new letters after her name.

by the time we helped clean up and got the dog and had one more late night snack, it was time for bed and i CRASHED. i took it easier today, going to church this morning and then doing our regular chores of grocery shopping and laundry. i did stop in at k-mart to browse around (they had cute sandals on sale) and ended up finding a bathing suit that i hope will last me through the better part of the summer...

a swim dress? it offered more coverage and though i've found some maternity suits that i like, i thought i might give this a shot...
now into a full week at work and getting ready to be gone next weekend for a youth convention. i'm finally getting some of my energy back and am ready to do a little bit more in the evening (like photo editing--gotta do some photo editing, for real.) how was everyone else's weekend?