Sunday, March 26, 2006

and... breathe.

so it is now post-auction time at school, which means it will be time to focus on the upcoming formal, spring break, and everything else that will soon be taking lots of my attention. but auction was great--my photo package went over extremely well, i love the family that won it, and i had the best time spending time with my friends, justin and performing with the oakwoodettes. yay for fancy nights spent at the hilton feeling pretty and having fun.

i know it's late, and i fully intend to go to sleep in about 10 minutes. so bear with me while i get this all down before i prepare for the beginning of another week.

chicken and pastry went over extremely well at young adults. i love trying out recipes that are successful. recipes that are more trouble than they're worth are not so much fun. but this one turned out well and i had so many leftovers, i took them to work. yum!

this seems like an extremely long month paycheck-wise. i'm being very frugal until the 31st. i've figured out that it's probably because february is a very short month, so march seems long in comparison. go figure.

the aquarium stand at work is almost finished. i will soon be working on a paper mache moon for our formal photo backdrop. i LOVE these kinds of projects. i also love when i address issues with kids and hear from their teachers a week or so later that everything is great and going wonderfully. though i know it isn't guaranteed to stay that way, it still makes me feel good.

justin's dad and step-mom, kim, were in town this weekend. we were all couch potatoes for a couple of days. we watched basketball, went to the movies (v for vendetta--psychological thriller with a tad too much violence for my taste) and ate and ate and ate. i now feel like i should go to the gym for days to make up for it. but it was still good to see them and spend time with his family all weekend. i feel like i have lots of laundry to do and tons of TV to catch up on, but otherwise--i'm good. this coming weekend---going to fayetteville for a bridal shower for my cousin meghan.

april fool's is coming up. i feel like seeking some healthy revenge for last year. ideas?

alright, that's it for tonight. i'm spent. later, y'all :)

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