ha--now that's a look of surprise.
actually, it's a look of a happy, go-lucky girl in the apple store at streets at south point (and her ever-adoring boyfriend in the background). i would have way too much fun with photo booth and an iSight camera. in the meantime, though, i think i'll set my goal at purchasing adobe photoshop elements (the much cheaper $90 version of the typically $500 photoshop software).
i love photography. as i get older, there are more things that i wish i could have included in my life plan. the fun thing is--with some of this stuff, it's not too late. hallie, at work, has helped do wedding planning for several of her friends, and she has one now that's looking for a cheap amateur photographer for their wedding. i told her i'd think about it--can you imagine how cool that would be to add that to my "portfolio"? (i don't actually have a portfolio, but i'm starting to think about it...) i only get nervous because these are someone's WEDDING pictures and i would feel awful if the lighting was horrible or everyone was blinking or i captured all of the double chins in a room. there's just some things that i would love to get technical instruction on--but for the moment, i'm having a good time.
so yeah, we went to southpoint on saturday since there was nothing going on in greenville. i got to see my aunt and my cousins, which was always fun. there's something fun about going to the mall when you know you can't spend much money. you end up taking silly pictures, getting massages in the chairs at sharper image, and watch ncaa tournament games on really big tvs. always fun...
it was a terribly busy week at work. a few new kids to work with, several class discussions, and lots of preparing for the auction and the formal coming up in a couple weeks. the auction is friday, and i have been roped in to being part of the entertainment. this requires a couple of practices after school during the week, on top of my regular meetings and colorguard practices. i'll be glad when that's over, though i'm very much looking forward to friday night. opportunity to get dressed up, see all of my friends at work, sing and dance a little bit, and get to raise lots of money for the school--doesn't get much better than that!
hosting young adults tomorrow (and i also have the day off, so that's great). i'm trying out a chicken and dumplings recipe that my mom gave me, so we'll see how it goes. i'll spend most of the day cleaning and cooking, but i also plan to go to the gym, return a skirt, and see what else i can get into. i am veeeeeery much looking forward to my next vacation--spring break!--where i'll get to go up and see linda at virginia beach. and today, i just made reservations for the ferry on the first weekend in june for justin and i to go to ocracoke with his parents the week they're renting a house over there. can't wait for the summer :)
alright, i should get back to doing some work. later, y'all...
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