it's been a terribly relaxing monday, and i had a few thoughts i wanted to share before heading back into the abbreviated work week.
first of all, what's the deal with this snow forecast? i'm hearing 2-4 inches, 3-6--even 4-8 inches on some forecasts! the schools are already out, but as an employee that spends a lot of time on the road, i'm curious as to what this may do to my plans for tomorrow. i guess we'll just wait and see what happens over night.
i must also share that i have found some great deals lately in the stores. there's a certain part of me that is sad to see the closings of stores around here lately. it's painfully obvious when you have people planted on every corner along the main roads holding "closing sale! everything must go!" signs for multiple weeks on end--just different stores. BUT i will say that i was very pleased with a recent trip to goody's (so sad to see them go--they were a favorite store of mine for good deals) and even though they're obviously not closing, i totally scored at the gap outlet this weekend. three sweaters for under $30, and nice ones, too! i love finding good deals and unfortunately, i justify many shopping purchases because it's such a great sale and it's too good of a deal to pass up. i rarely pay full price for things--except the necessities, like a fabulous pair of jeans. those are full dollar purchases any day.
and i just had to share--i vacuumed with my new vacuum cleaner today. the bissell pet hair eraser, specifically designed to deal with pet hair. it did a fantastic job, just so you know :)
okay, off to walk the dog before doggie class tonight. i have a feeling she's going to struggle. we were gone for the weekend and she may have fallen off the wagon a bit...
6 hours ago
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