we're solidly into the second trimester, and i will admit--i'm loving it. aside from stress at work and trying to do too much every now and then, i feel amazing and have very few complaints. the belly is finally really starting to show, where i feel like i'm looking obviously pregnant to people that don't know me (and not so much like i've had too much to eat.) my medium-sized maternity shirts seem to really show off the belly, where as the larger ones camouflage it still.
this morning, i put on this tank top that i had gotten at old navy over the weekend and also had my hair cooperate--it's getting long enough to do some cute stuff with it, finally, and i'm loving this length. i just felt good and decided it was the perfect day to take a belly picture before heading to work.
i am having a tough time dealing with the heat and have had the occasional set of hot flashes. i just bought a desk fan for my office, which will hopefully keep me cool! i'm sleeping well and using a body pillow to help keep me on my side--such a great thing. i don't know that i'd be able to stay on my side as easily without it. i'm going to have to start traveling with it :)
and my belly continues to grow and i wonder to myself, "how long will i be able to paint my toenails like this?" "how long until i can't sit up on my own?" (getting close on that one....) "how long until my belly button pops out?" and above all--"how long until i really feel those kicks?" i still have flutter feelings every now and then, but i'm ready for the nice strong kicks that i can't mistake for anything else.
and in one week, we'll have our ultrasound and finally know what we're having. i'm so excited about this, since i feel like all of our planning has been put on hold up until this point. i'm ready to choose a name, to start registering, to pick out the nursery details and everything else that has been a big blank question mark. being a planner by nature, this whole "halfway through the pregnancy with nothing but a few cute onesies and other miscellaneous things" is killing me. so july and august are going to be big months with getting that stuff done, and i can't wait to see how it all comes together!