i was at home all this weekend--an anomaly in my schedule--and i think the time spent relaxing and catching up on things around the house did me good. i was able to get up saturday morning and help with decorating for VBS at church. our theme this year is "high seas" so we have lots of nautical and ocean themed scenes around the church now!

that was sorta the theme of the weekend--keep cool! i think i've decided that i'm just going to constantly be hot/sweaty this summer, regardless of where i am. even being in a nice air-conditioned place, i still seem to get warm. saturday evening, we tried to take advantage of the cooler summer evening by getting out then. we drove east to washington for seafood at one of my favorite local places, backwater jack's, and then walked along the riverfront for the summer festival they were having. justin got a frozen lemonade and i got a snowcone and the river breezes just felt so good. i also saw lots of cute little booths of baby stuff, and picked up some business cards so maybe we can order some things once we know (TOMORROW!) what we're having.
sunday, we headed out to church and stayed afterwards for a meal helping the youth raise money for their summer trips. i won't be going on many with them this summer because of my vacation time, and the one that i went on last year--kingsfest at kings dominion--just didn't make sense with all of the rollercoasters that i can't ride :( but i'll still do as much as i can while we're back here in town.
later in the afternoon, our youth intern, joe, had his ordination service. he's been working with chris in the youth ministry for the past year and is about to return to school to finish up (and is getting married in less than a month, which i can't wait to photograph!) and enter the ministry on his own. he's done such a great job working with the youth, particularly in our middle school program, and we're going to miss him so much.

and after going grocery shopping and doing all those other sunday chores, i was ready to cool off once more. so we managed to "crash" our brother and sister-in-law's pool for a little bit to let me float and enjoy the water. hoping for many more nights like that over the next couple of months!
a couple of baby updates--i've felt some definite kicks over the past week, "like little popcorn kernels popping up inside me" i described to justin. i seem to feel them the best at night before going to bed. also, i went ahead and retired my rings. they were getting tighter and leaving indentations on my finger, so i've put them up and bought a couple of inexpensive sterling silver ones from kohl's that will work for me through the summer. i guess that's one of those "how long until" questions that has been answered!
alright, that's it for now. i will hopefully be back tomorrow to share with you the sex of the baby!