Friday, June 18, 2010

the big day

yesterday morning, we had our first ultrasound appointment. let me say that i have loved scheduling our appointments for first thing in the morning--there is so much less waiting, and it works well for both of our schedules.

the ultrasound tech was surprised that we were having our first scan so late and admitted that she always got a little nervous with someone as far along as i was for the first ultrasound. everything checked out great, though, and i was just amazed at the details and information they could get from the ultrasound. we got to see up our baby's nose, around its heart and along the spine, through its stomach and bladder, and all of the major organs. not that the baby made that easy--it was active, wiggling and squirming around so that as soon as the tech set up for the perfect profile shot, it moved again or rolled over. the high energy was fitting with the heart rate--it clocked in at 168 bpm (possibly because of the peanut butter on my PB and banana sandwich from that morning, the tech said.)

so telling people at work was going to be a big deal, because everyone was excited and had an opinion on what we were having. since i was going to work right afterwards, we had decided that i would wear something blue or pink for the rest of the day to "tell" them what it was when i arrived.

just so i wouldn't jinx it, i wore a yellow tank top to the ultrasound. so here's the before....

and here's the after!
blue! it's a baby boy--and i'll honestly say, i was surprised. i was really thinking it was a girl, just based on what everyone else was saying, but we are so thrilled to have a little boy on the way! still working on names and (i think) will let you know when we have something definite.

here are some photos of the ultrasound pics--i'll scan them in later when we get a chance. the profile shot...
and the "proof." "100% boy," the ultrasound tech said.
a little foot sticking out--crazy to think that it's likely only about a half inch long.
and a little arm and hand waving "hi" to us--so cool!

we are so excited to be able to plan for this little guy and to get everything ready--and just to KNOW! he will be coming along with a whole host of other little boys in our church and with friends that we know (part of the reason i thought we'd be having a girl--everyone else was having boys!) and we also know lots of boys that will be able to send along some hand-me-downs :) we are so blessed and we can't wait to continue celebrating with our family and friends this weekend.