and truthfully, it's only been 12 hours since we checked in to the hospital, but i feel like we've been on quite the emotional roller coaster.
first, let me say that patrice is an amazing woman and she did FABULOUSLY during labor and delivery. i am not scarred for life and i'm so glad that i was able to be there to capture the first few moments with jonah and his parents.
he has a set of lungs! screaming and hollering, he let the world know he was here.
there was immediate concern about his skin, though. he had several spots where the skin was raw and red, where the first layer of skin was not intact. most of his body was normal skin, but especially on his arms and legs, it was obvious that the top layer of skin was not in place. the NICU people were called in and after spending several moments with patrice and matt, jonah was taken down to the third floor and is now in the process of transferring to brenner's children's hospital here in winston-salem. he should be there in just a few moments.
he is a GORGEOUS baby, though, and has a healthy heart and healthy set of lungs. we praise God for that and we ask that you continue to pray as the doctors rule out causes for the skin issues and (hopefully) soon come up with a diagnosis and treatment. there are several possible diagnoses that have been mentioned, but until confirmed, we will just ask for prayers of wisdom for all of the people working with patrice and jonah, and to give matt support as he works to be with his newborn son and wife.
welcome to the world, jonah. we're all praying for ya, bud.
Hi! Thank you so much for documenting this for us. I have been so anxious to hear Patrice's progress, and I am so thankful that you were able to keep all of us updated.
ReplyDeleteOut of curiosity, have the doctors checked into Ritter-Lyell syndrome? That seems to sound similar to what Jonah is going through, and it also looks to be very treatable.
I am keeping everyone in my prayers!
Been watching and praying all day!! He is beautiful! I just know everything will be ok! Love and prayers to all of you.
ReplyDeleteHearts and Hugs
The Wimsetts