Friday, February 27, 2009

surprise visit from jonah

patrice got moved down to a recovery room on a different floor, and we were under the impression that jonah had already went on to brenner's. as we were hanging out in the room with a visiting minister from matt and patrice's church, sarah came running up and said, "y'all need to clear the room, they're coming with the baby!" before the transport team headed out to the other hospital, they brought jonah up for a visit with patrice.

though it was a brief exchange, the transport nurse was incredibly helpful with answering questions and giving us a clearer idea of jonah's immediate treatment. so here's his close-up shot. we think it's patrice's hair and facial features, but definitely matt's nose.
patrice is getting a 6 hour pass to visit him tonight, and those of us who are still running on four hours of sleep are going to crash pretty soon.

(that includes me.)

keep praying! the specialized areas of this hospital are going to be incredibly helpful and we hope that their smart doctor brains can figure out what's going on with jonah.

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