i had the pleasure of meeting cullen and his parents last weekend for a quick 1st birthday photo shoot. and when i say quick, i mean quick. when i only have one client to work with (and when his attention span is SHORT) then it's a speedy process. we got tons of great shots in just about 20-25 minutes!
he is close to walking and was wanting to stand up for part of the time (with help from dad, of course.)

and his parents were great and brought a few props for us to use in the shoot, like this baseball bat...

though cullen had other plans in mind for it!

such a heartbreaker!

love this expression!

one thing about not having mom and dad involved in the pictures--they can keep his attention and get some of these great smiles standing behind me!

cutest face!

and an awesome close-up to end it with :)

thanks, shannon, for sharing your adorable son with me! i hope he has a fabulous first birthday!