i spent my afternoon in the daffodil field right outside of town. it's a popular place in the spring for photos, and i had a couple of requests from my regular photo clients to meet them out there for quick mini-shoots. so here are just a few of my favorites that caught my eye as i was downloading them this evening.

victoria did great this time--no playing shy! still in love with her curls...

jake showed us that he would work for skittles--and his funny daddy!

we got so many good ones of him in this pose--i think the blanket was helping to reflect light up on his face, because they all turned out so well.

so hard to believe what a little man josh is turning into. we haven't done any "official" pictures in a while!

he is *this close* to walking and is standing up (with help) like a champ!

and today was a big test for me, trying out some new equipment. i hadn't shared, but my camera took a spill up in west virginia a couple of weeks ago (new camera bag and stupid pregnant brain that forgot to zip up the bag before standing up at the ski slopes.) it's been at the nikon repair place for the past couple of weeks, and i got to the point where i couldn't borrow cameras anymore and keep up with my scheduled jobs (especially with a wedding coming up next weekend.) so we found a used d80 online for a reasonable price and it came in on thursday. it's a slightly different interface than the d40/d60 design i've been used to, but i'm (obviously) very pleased with the results. i feel like it's a little crisper and has a great response time with very little shutter lag. plus--all of my lenses auto-focus with it! so even though i've been relying on my 35 mm lately (and still love it) i can use the 50 mm with it, too.