the last couple of weeks have been a little hectic for me, and i have loved having relatively unplanned weekends. sure, i'll have a few things here or there, but not nearly the pace i was doing a month ago or so. this weekend was similar, with just a couple of things on the schedule and otherwise, a wide-open day to do what we wanted.
this morning, my only "planned" activity was a craft time with some of my youth group girls. our church has a goal to raise money to build a church in india for one of the missions we support. after seeing a couple of super-easy tutorials on making
washer necklaces, we thought about making a bunch and selling them to contribute our part to the fundraising.

simple steps, and with many hands, the task of making 100 washers went quickly!

even some of our self-professed "non-crafty" girls got into it.

and by the end, we had a ton of gorgeous, colorful washers that are set to be glazed and made into necklaces.

if you're in my local area, please let me know if you'd like to purchase one. we're thinking about $10 for one washer and cord, $15 for 2 washers and cord (to make it interchangable--and they are all reversible!)

afterwards, i came home and waited for justin to finish washing his car and getting ready. we had a trip to make together. our friends heather and johnny had a little girl last night, and it was time to go visit them at the hospital! i've been lucky to photograph heather and johnny for their engagement pictures last year and their maternity pictures recently. here are just a few of the ones that we captured about a month ago...

love this silhouette.

so sweet...

abby made her appearance yesterday evening at 5:38 pm, and she was quite willing to cooperate for a couple of pictures today (though she would not open her eyes!) full head of hair and a sweet button nose...

i love getting in some baby-holding time...

i was trying to get her to open her eyes (even heather had said that she hadn't really gotten to see what color her eyes were yet) but she would not budge!

hard to believe it'll be us in just a few short months.

justin even got his practice in. he did a great job and i'm sure will get plenty of tips from johnny as time goes on!

we're taking it easy tonight, grilling out and enjoying this beautiful weather. i feel like spring is finally here and i'm soaking up every minute of it.