coffee shop also has a tutorial about how to create buttons for the menu bar. one day, when i have lots of time, i'm going to attempt to figure this one out.
what i would REALLY like is to just use the menu bar with pages the way that blogger has designed, but be able to use my kevin and amanda font up there instead of the generic fonts.
i'm thinking about petitioning amanda to see if she can put out that code...
and because people have been asking recently, i use picnik to do most of my photo editing for the blog and header, but photoshop to add the matching font. sometimes picnik doesn't want to cooperate, but i still have fun with their seasonal photo effects when it's working for me.

we were supposed to head up to west virginia this weekend but have been snowed out. the roads are just not in the condition where we can easily get up there and back (not to mention driving to some of the ski resorts we were looking at while we were up there.) so now it's a valentine's day weekend at home, where i plan to get caught up on stuff around the house and just enjoy relaxing with my sweet valentine.
what are your plans for the weekend?