so with the latest lens purchase (my
35 mm that i love and recommend to any nikon d60 or lower user) i officially outgrew my current camera bag. i browsed through several online stores looking at my options and tried out a couple when we were in best buy and other electronics stores after the holidays. then i was pleasantly surprised when justin had this one waiting for me on my birthday--perfect choice!

he ordered it from
b and h photo which is one of my favorite online stores for camera stuff. it's a sturdy bag, which will help when we travel, and i think it's pretty weather-safe as well.
here it is with all my gear inside--3 lenses off the camera, one on the camera, and a little gorilla pod for my small camera (the gorilla pod for my big camera is in one of the top compartments.) i am looking at upgrading my flash to one that can rotate as well--maybe a SB 600?

here's a very poor picture of it on my back. it's my guest bathroom, which is used infrequently and the mirror obviously is not cleaned that often. but you get the point.

and here it is pulled around front, with the flap open the right way to get access to my camera and other lenses.

i'm excited about having this new sturdy camera bag and safely storing some of my new accessories. the one thing about this hobby is that there's always something new you can get... but that's what my photo jobs pay for at this point :)