this past weekend, we got to enjoy a day out at piratefest, the annual festival that's held in town. with lots of arts and food vendors, performances at the international section, and roving bands of pirates--it's just a good time.

i had a photo shoot that morning nearby and ended up staying downtown to walk around and find something to eat. i was already pretty hungry (i'm always hungry these days) but wanted to see everything before making my decision. after all, you don't want to spend $7 on a sandwich when you find a much better meal down the block (that works even better for your cravings at the moment)?
i grabbed a bag of kettle corn (mmmm....) to hold me off while i walked and took in the sights. loved the painting that they did on the streets downtown!

and there were many bands of roaming pirates in costume that posed for pictures or just said hello to the other festival goers.

i could not believe the details put into this mini-pirate ship. that is one decked-out barbie jeep, complete with mast and sail. wow!

after finally deciding on some chinese food at the international area, i stopped to watch one of the performing pirate troupes show off their fancy weaponry and sword-fighting skills.

justin eventually joined me to get lunch and listen to some of the performances at the international stage. i got a frozen treat to cool me off (i'm telling you, pregnant girl's dream--variety of international foods and fair foods all within a 4 block radius--i was happy!) and we wandered around to see the rest of the booths.
we did luck out in finding another local natural food market that does online orders and weekly drop-off/delivery options. for those of you nearby that might be interested, check out i had stopped by their booth earlier and was coming back to get a pint of local honey--but they were all sold out! so they told me about their online ordering system and how i could get the honey another way :) always happy to find some new resources in our area!