davis has enjoyed "flying" with us--he's no dare devil, but he'll tolerate a little air time with daddy :)
getting ready... get set... go! coming in for a kiss :) sweet photo with daddy--i really love this one. so glad his eyes stayed clear and detailed... now many people have asked how pepper has felt about davis. there's no doubt that she's gotten more cuddly with justin as i've stayed preoccupied with the baby, but she does like giving him kisses when she gets a chance. especially when we have him right at her level... (he doesn't mind it too much either!) and of course, a new video with his current favorite trick--trying to put his feet in his mouth!
a friendly reminder that jonah's eb auction has started tonight and i have two items in there for bidding--a photo package and a set of custom letters. please click on over and bid for eb :)
I am a devoted Christian, loving wife, mother to a beautiful son, and pet-mom to an adorable dog and two neurotic cats. I am a licensed clinical social worker and work in the counseling center at our local university. I also do freelance photography work for the local paper, as well as weddings and portraits. I spend my free time with my wonderful family, volunteering with my church youth group, hanging out with my friends, doing crafty stuff and shopping.