following pajama day was tacky day, and then twin day (where all of the faculty on the middle school hall wore our oakwood shirts and jeans--easy enough) and then... blast from the past day. i went with a very in the past outfit, sporting a toga that boasted no sewing and a bunch of ribbon and safety pins.

and we ended today with green and white day and a pep rally this afternoon. basketball scrimmage slightly lacking in pep. i finally ordered the flags for the colorguard, so we will be trying to get that started soon and i think we'll double in adding some spirit to the games. let's face it--we just need someone to lead some crowd cheers and stuff to keep things going. and hey, i'm cool with providing some of that entertainment :)
lots of meetings with classes and parents this week. lots of checking up on individual kids and helping out teachers with particular students. and then, we got to finally see the production of "school house rock live jr." this evening. justin and i went and enjoyed seeing all the kids. some slight technical difficulties, but man--we have some great voices at our school. i was very impressed! hopefully they'll get the kinks in the sound system worked out for tomorrow night's performance, but overall, entertaining and so much fun to hear "conjunction junction" again.
hallie taught me to knit this afternoon. i keep adding stiches, though. but it's fun and different from crocheting. it turns out i probably won't have to move, or atleast if i do, it won't be until december 1st. and mom did have fun sharing this comic with me--

yay for the weekend :) much needed...
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